Technical Information

Welcome to the Valeoria Network Technical Information page. Here you'll find essential details about our server's world setup, ranges, spawning behavior, and miscellaneous technical settings that may affect your gameplay.

Multiple World System

Main Worlds (No Resets)

  • Main Overworld: Never Wipes - The Main Overworld will never do a world reset.
  • Main Nether: Never Wipes - The Main Nether will never do a world reset.
  • Main End: Never Wipes - The Main End will never do a world reset.

Alternate Worlds (Resets with Updates)

  • Alt Overworld: Wipes With Update - The Alt Overworld will reset with major Minecraft update releases.
  • Alt Nether: Wipes With Update - The Alt Nether will reset with major Minecraft update releases.
  • Alt End: Wipes With Update - The Alt End will reset with major Minecraft update releases.

World Size

  • Main Overworld: 60K x 60K - The Main Overworld has boundaries of 60,000 blocks by 60,000 blocks.
  • Main Nether: 30K x 30K - The Main Nether is restricted to a size of 30,000 blocks by 30,000 blocks.
  • Main End: 30K x 30K - The Main End is also set to 30,000 blocks by 30,000 blocks.
  • Alt Overworld: 30K x 30K - The Alt Overworld has boundaries of 30,000 blocks by 30,000 blocks.
  • Alt Nether: 15K x 15K - The Alt Nether is restricted to a size of 15,000 blocks by 15,000 blocks.
  • Alt End: 15K x 15K - The Alt End is also set to 15,000 blocks by 15,000 blocks.


View Range

  • View Range: 32 Chunks Max - The maximum range at which the server will send chunk data to players is 32 chunks in any direction from a player.

Simulation Range

  • Simulation Range: 7 x 7 Chunks - Objects within this range around the player are actively simulated, including the movement of mobs and the growth of crops.

Mob Spawn Range

  • Mob Spawn Range: 7 x 7 Chunks - Hostile mobs will spawn within this area around players.

Redstone Tick Range

  • Redstone Tick Range: 7 x 7 Chunks - Redstone mechanisms will function within this area when a player is nearby.

Despawn Ranges

  • Soft Despawn Range: 32 Blocks - Mobs will not despawn if they are within this distance from the player.
  • Hard Despawn Range: 128 Blocks - Any mobs that are further than this distance from the player for a certain amount of time will immediately despawn.

Item and Mob Ranges

  • Item Merge Range: 12 Blocks - Items on the ground will merge together if they are within this distance from each other, reducing server load.
  • Mob Tracking Range: 48 Blocks - The distance in blocks within which mobs are visible to players.
  • Monster Activation Range: 32 Blocks - The distance in blocks within which monsters will tick.
  • Animal Activation Range: 32 Blocks - The distance in blocks within which animals will tick.
  • Villager Activation Range: 16 Blocks - The distance in blocks within which villagers will tick.
  • Raider Activation Range: 48 Blocks - The distance in blocks within which raiders will tick.
  • Flying Mob Activation Range: 32 Blocks - The distance in blocks within which flying mobs will tick.
  • Water Mob Activation Range: 16 Blocks - The distance in blocks within which water mobs will tick.

Natural Spawn Average


  • Monsters: 35 Per 40 Ticks - On average, 35 monsters will spawn every 40 game ticks.


  • Animals: 3 Per 900 Ticks - Animals will spawn at a much slower rate than monsters, averaging 3 every 900 ticks.

Water Animals

  • Water-Animals: 3 Per 75 Ticks - Aquatic animals will spawn more frequently than animals, roughly 3 every 75 ticks.


  • Fish: 5 Per 100 Ticks - Fish will spawn more frequently than animals, roughly 5 every 100 ticks.


Redstone Behavior

  • Redstone Behavior: Default - Redstone behaves as per the standard game rules without modifications.


  • Portals: Entities Can Not Enter - Mobs and entities are unable to use portals to move between dimensions; this is a measure to prevent lag.

Treasure Maps

  • Treasure Maps: Disabled - Treasure maps force load chunks during their scan and can cause lag at high player counts.

Moss Farms

  • Moss farms: Disabled - Automatic moss farms are disabled to reduce lag. Moss farms can have hundreds of block updates per farm tick, making them one of the laggiest farm types. Attempting to bypass the system we use to disable moss farms will violate general rule 1.


  • Villagers: Will disable AI if they do not have a 1x2 space - Villagers must have at least a 1x2 solid block area to move around in or their AI will be disabled until they have the required space. This is done to reduce lag from trading halls. If you are having issues with an iron farm, make sure the villagers have solid blocks to walk on, not beds.